Wednesday, 30 October 2019


A few photos from a short break at Southport this week.
The weather was cold but bright.
100's of Shelduck.
Lots of Pinkies about and airborne Waders along the sea shore, way beyond any access point from where we were situated.
A large flock of Fieldfare, late evening, was a lovely sight.
Stonechat and calling Reed Bunting were plentiful along the dunes.

A small bird allowed me a couple of poor photos before disappearing - thought about Juv. Robin or Juv. Dunnock but the tail looks wrong? 
Does look like a Chat but tail wrong? 
Bills wrong for Bunting.
I'll plump for 1st year F. Stonechat.

Another Bird that I am unfamiliar with is a Twite.
A large flock were in the coast grasses I believe.


2 photos below a bit of a poser.
1st yr F. Stonechat?


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