Saturday, 30 November 2019

Soil Hill

A short birding window in today's agenda with Abi and Emma with us today.
I managed to slope off during the 'Frozen' characters bun baking extravaganza.
The mist was moving up the valley towards Bradshaw and despite a quick slog up the road, the mist beat me to Soil Hill.

A murky stroll around the circumference saw me espy 2 Mistle Thrush on the comms building.
2 Magpie and 3 Carrion Crow appearing out of the mist.

Ned Hill Track was clear(ish) with a nice reward when I got there - a F. Stonechat.

The 'resident ' Taylor Lane Little Owl was present going up and still there as I passed later.

A Kestrel and 3 Pheasant was about it!

Still awaiting a 2019 Snow Bunt with the clock ticking down.

Late evening we passed Dean Clough and a lone bird just discernible on the Chimney, in the gloom, was probably a Peregrine.

The Taylor Lane Ski Slope

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