Sunday, 8 December 2019

Brighouse to Ellland

Sue made a visit to friends in Elland this aft and dropped me at Brookfoot on her way there.
Gales, and cold with it, in Bradshaw so it was nice to get down to the costa del sol for a break from this weather.

With darkness arriving so soon, I did not have time to call at the LNR cafe , which was a bit of disappointment for me.
A coffee and cake would have been good.

Nearing Elland a couple I met along the towpath had seen a Mink that seemed to be 'nesting ' in a broken lock gate.
The first lock gate after the Elland flyover > Brighouse.


The river is very high at the moment, firing over the weir behind the Avocet buildings - no birds here.
The usual birds about, nothing special by the LNR feeders in my short time there.

Birds of note were 2 Cormorant on a pylon.
6 (2 & 4) Drake Goosander on Ski Lake, seen at distance through the galvanised railings.
A calling Green Woodpecker.
21 Fast moving birds high?
A Heron by Elland Bridge.


As we passed Morrison's on the way home it was nearly dark and c300 Rook were seen opposite the supermarket.


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