Gales, and cold with it, in Bradshaw so it was nice to get down to the costa del sol for a break from this weather.
With darkness arriving so soon, I did not have time to call at the LNR cafe , which was a bit of disappointment for me.
A coffee and cake would have been good.
Nearing Elland a couple I met along the towpath had seen a Mink that seemed to be 'nesting ' in a broken lock gate.
The first lock gate after the Elland flyover > Brighouse.
The river is very high at the moment, firing over the weir behind the Avocet buildings - no birds here.
The usual birds about, nothing special by the LNR feeders in my short time there.
Birds of note were 2 Cormorant on a pylon.
6 (2 & 4) Drake Goosander on Ski Lake, seen at distance through the galvanised railings.
A calling Green Woodpecker.
21 Fast moving birds high?
A Heron by Elland Bridge.
As we passed Morrison's on the way home it was nearly dark and c300 Rook were seen opposite the supermarket.
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