Friday, 20 December 2019

Brookfoot Area - Brighouse

A birding outing to the Brighouse area today.
Another very dull day with showery rain for the most part.
I parked by the fishing lakes, had a walk along the road to the Cassa Car Park for a view of the lake.
I then retraced my steps having a look at the Avocet weir before folllowing the canal to the LNR feeders with a butchers at the river before following the canal back to the car.

Apparently we are due some sunshine over Christmas, can't wait.

As I got out of the car, two small birds were heading for the very distant undergrowth in the second fishing pond.
They looked like Little Grebe through the bins.
I just managed a very distant photo of one of them, before they disappeared, I've had to lighten the photo etc. 
The bird looks Little Grebe-ish to me?

The usual birds about:-

3m 1f Goosander seen from the Cassa Car Park.
17 Cormorant.
1f Goosander in flight over the Avocet weir.
3 Great Spotted Woodpecker (2 seen 1 heard).
Usual birds by the feeders plus a nice bonus of a Reed Bunting.

3 Jay, 1 Redwing, 2 Moorhen, Nuthatch.

A walker I met had seen a Little Grebe upriver from the weir near the twin bridges.
I had a walk up the river but failed to find the bird.

Hard going on quite a wet and dull outing, by afternoon.

Distant Little Grebe.


  1. Right on the mark with Little Grebe John. Good do with Fieldfares recently as well

  2. Cheers Dave - though going as usual in December.
    We need some change in this wet weather.
