Saturday, 28 December 2019

Soil Hill etc Saturday

14:30 - 16:00 (ish) - Dusk.

After all the Christmas festivities (mainly scoffing and 'colouring by numbers' with Abi.)
It  was nice to get some good Soil Hill air into my lungs.

Some brightness to start, but the sun soon sank behind clouds as dusk approached.

Not a lot happening.

A good traipse around the Hill and some smaller birds were calling. Wren was one call for definite but the other calls eluded me.

A Herring Gull was in the Ned Hill Track fields with a few other smaller Gulls

14 Small calling birds flew into the sunset along Taylor Lane.
They seemed to be on elastic all bobbing, fast and furious each one drawing a 'W' shape in the evening sky - a pleasing sight but with them all in silhouette I could not say what they were.

The Grey Wagtail left the Taylor lane midden in a hurry and as I followed it in the bins a mega distant large 'deep bodied' Raptor took it's place (probably a Buzzard).
The Raptor seemed to be being followed by another Raptor, probably a second Buzzard. 

On the way to Go Outdoors, Pudsey, this morning, 2 Mistle Thrush landed on the Lamp posts on the busy dual carriage way near the huge Asda shop.

Some very, very distant Raptor shots:-

Higher of 2 the  birds above

Lower of the 2 birds earlier.

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