Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Tuesday 12th Wet and Windy and a Garden Puzzler

A long exercise walk today without any camera or bins.
We went up the steep hill to the Raggalds and climbed up Perseverance Road.
Along Perseverance Road until it morphed into Ned Hill Lane.
Down Ned Hill Lane to the bottom and a left along here to  the end of Cow Hill Gate Lane/Keighley Road.
A left here took us down Blind Lane and then down Pavement Lane, across Bradshaw Lane and down the track to Bradshaw Park.
Through the park and up Bradshaw Lane to home.
A Song Thrush ? egg was on the Park path.

The garden watch was a hit and miss affair with frequent showers sending me back inside home.

I did spot a few birds though.

A mega high Raptor, which is probably a Buzzard.
A solitary Swift and a few large Gulls.

and ….
It's that time of the year when juvenile birds start to appear and I make a complete burke of messen.

A puzzler on the telephone wire outside our house, a juvenile bird by the looks of it?
I though Juv. Dunnock when I took the photo but I can't match it to any photos in several bird books.
It looks very "Reed Bunting" like but I can't see a Reed Bunting being in this environment.
Another contender was House Sparrow but again it does not fit the bill.
I think I'll settle for Juv. Dunnock, we have a good few adults about the garden, but still can tie up the light brown feathers in the plumage - probably my age.

Bad News for Swallows and Swifts (see link below):-

Garden Puzzler:-


  1. Hi John. I'd have to go for House Sparrow - Dunnock would be a much thinner bill.

  2. Hi Dave.
    Funnily enough I looked at Dunnock and the birds bill in Collins and noticed how thin and neat the bill was!
    Somewhere along the way I lost the plot about the Bill.
    Thanks for the comment - they are always appreciated.
