Friday, 22 May 2020

Wierd Weather - Hot Gale

A howling gale, but warm with it, here in Bradshaw today. The Wisteria blossom was being given some stick as it tried to hang on in there.
Its unusual to have such a strong SW wind at this time of year, and with most trees in full leaf I was thinking some might be brought down.
A trip down to Coley Church for a change of scenery and hopefully less wind and a Warbler sp. -  didn't work out as planned.
The bridleway down past the church was a wind tunnel and further down the trees on both side were moaning and groaning, but only a few small branches had broken off.

Birds were nearly non-existent apart from close to the St. John's graveyard where there were a few House Sparrows in the bushes and some very noisy Long Tailed Tits in the graveyard, extremely noisy, calling in competition with the wind noise.

A few Swifts were seen high overhead and low along the fields Swallows were feeding.

Other that that some Starlings were zooming about and a few Corvids and Blackbirds.

Two large Ducks over the house mid-afternoon, seen through the kitchen window, I grabbed the camera and  ran out into the garden but they had  disappeared.
Shelduck came to mind but who knows!

And I remember the good old days a link to....

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't pick out the ducks John but thanks for the call. Hope the wind eases today.
