Wednesday 24 June 2020

Hag Lane , Ringby Lane /Top - Swalesmoor

A scorcher early morning, got hotter as the day progressed.
It was good to bump into NK, on our exercise walk this morning, on his way to Soil Hill and further afield no doubt.

Later, I was wondering where to go, with this oppressive heat and decided that Hag Lane, Swalesmoor would be in shade.
This proved a good move and I enjoyed a short walk along the lane and back in relative cool weather.

Back at the car I decided to give Ringby Top a coat of looking at.
It was sweltering going up, but on the very top, west side a smashing breeze came along to dry my moist brow!
It really was very pleasant up here today.


Hag Lane:

2 Chiffchaff, Buzzard down in the valley.
Willow Warbler but not a lot else.

Ringby Lane / Top:

Swift, Swallow, 2 House Martin were a welcome surprise, although neither bird came very close to me.

1 Lapwing.
4 Whitethroat, 2 Linnet.
Skylark, Meadow Pipit.
20 or so Large Gulls, all Lesser Black-backed Gulls as far as I could make out.

On the way back to the car, a Red Kite flew quickly past heading South over Halifax town centre.
A welcome, and long awaited TICK.

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