Tuesday 23 June 2020

Border Line Birding

I took the car today and parked near Denholme Velvets then walked back up and along Thornton Rd. to check out the bottom of the north side of Soil Hill - the bit I cannot view from my usual path(s).

It was really disappointing to see just one Lapwing and no Oystercatchers,
Just possible that the Lapwing were beyond my vision in the reeds.
Just Meadow Pipit, Goldfinch and Woodpigeon here.

Retracing my steps I took the bridleway to the south of Foreside Lane.
This path leads (with a left turn) to Back Lane Bridleway.

I did notice another birder further north of me beyond the bog in 'the big boggy field' taking some very wise precautions to avoid the cattle in this field.

Today though I did not get very far as I was intent on getting a decent photo of a Reed Bunting that were calling here.
The Reed Bunt. had other ideas though (2 seen and 4 heard) and after a long, long gander at the reeds I was rewarded with a male bird, that popped up on the fence in front of me.
It immediately dropped back into the reeds - no photo!!

Other birds about:-

A few Snipe chipping.
The Snipe remained distance and 'awkward' with the sun position.
One did land nearby and promptly disappeared into the reeds (as they do).
A Kestrel flew quickly past and a few Lesser Black-backed Gulls came over periodically.

Lots of fields mowed today both here and in Bradshaw.

Lots of Lesser Back-backed Gulls seen from our kitchen window investigating the mown fields here.

Unhappy with my photos and birds today.

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