Friday 26 June 2020

Ogden - Woods Mostly

I had a drive over to Ogden to look for D.P.'s Whinchat family.
I had a 'rough' idea of where to look.

Good to meet a young Birder - Harry on the promenade, just sorry that I did not have time to chat a bit longer as I was trying to avoid the forecast thunderstorms.

Looking from the prom. Harry pointed out a very distant Great Crested Grebe at the north end of the water.

Hope I got the route right:-

It was very hot and sticky as I walked up the main track towards the Turbines. 
Just before the trees end, on the right, I crossed the  gate/stile on the right to enter the woods. I kept left with the path and after 200yds? there is a clearing with lots of bilberry bushes, and the tall ferns had been cut down here.
I took a left and went up the first path, up to the wire fence that borders the moor.
I returned to red/white maker G6 and went back up this time, through the mown  ferns, nearer the gully where there are lost of dying conifers.
I returned on the good path that leads down then left and down again right passing a memorial seat to turn right at the bottom and arrive at the reservoir intake stream.

On my return to the water, there were a lot of folk about so I avoided most of the waterside path.


Woods - nearly all heard rather that seen!
4 Nuthatch, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and a few others.
2 Very Green birds seen fleetingly which I believe were Greenfinch.


Great Crested Grebe - a good bird for Ogden.
Lesser Black-backed Gulls mostly.
Black Headed Gull.

Grey Wagtail.
Canada Geese.

At least I've retained my very poor 'twitcher's record'.

Whilst trying to photograph a Willow Warbler in the ferns I seemed to have captured another larger bird, Thrush sp? that I can't place.

Roughly a third of the Gulls here.

The moor boundary fence 

Very elusive Thrush sp?


  1. Looks like you got the correct path John. Wonder if the Whinchats have moved down to the golf course ?

  2. Its a big area but golf course is favourite.
    Tks for the phone call.
