Monday 15 June 2020

Out and About - again

13:00 - 15:30 (ish)

I took the car out for a change today and had a birding walk along rough farmland near moors.

A lovely afternoon with hot sunshine, tempered at times with big clouds and a cooling breeze ,20 degrees - ideal for walking , a bit on the warm side for the birds though.

2 Oystercatcher flew over the car as I drove pass Ogden.

Later on a Barn Owl was hunting in bright sunshine, also about c10 Lapwing. 
A long scan of the fields found just one Lapwing chick here.
2 Oystercatcher in a nearby field and a Reed Bunting and Curlew seen.

Snipe were calling and flying around, presumably with young to feed.

Others seen, 2 Kestrel, Meadow Pipit and Skylark.

Possibly 3 Sand Martin but the sun was 'awkward' and the birds were moving fast, so I could be mistaken.
Swallow, Swift, Linnet.
Lesser Black-backed Gull, 2prs Pied Wagtail.

An enjoyable and interesting afternoon out.

A Later garden watch had a few Lesser Black-backed Gulls over and a good tussle between a Crow and a Buzzard.

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