Tuesday 16 June 2020

Soil Hill Tuesday Morning - Garden P.M.

My exercise walk took in a misty,murky Soil Hill this morning.
Good to chat to AT up here and Dan Br. later on Taylor Lane.
Walking in the very wet grass was a bit of a pain but there were a few birds about as the mist very slowly lifted.

Ned Hill Track:

Willow Warbler, Whitethroat, Meadow Pipit, Curlew flying out of the mist, Dunnock, Blackbird, Wren, Chaffinch -  Oystercatcher overhead.

Soil Hill Area:

Whitethroat, Linnet.
Meadow Pipit, Starlings, Skylark, 5 Lesser Black-backed Gull, Swallow, Swift.
Possible Reed Bunting on the ruin walls - miles off.

Percy Road - Taylor Lane etc:

2 Greenfinch, Whitethroat, Blackbird, Juv. Starling, Little Owl.

… and a few other sp.

More than 10 Magpies seen - which I don't suppose is good news.


A relaxing afternoon in the garden sunshine with some sky gazing.

10 (distant) Stock Doves or Woodpigeons > WSW in a great big hurry.
My money is on Stock Doves?


A very large Gull sp. was mega high in the wispy clouds drifted west.
Later a second Gull high then later still a third Gull were seen.
The latter 2 Gulls seemed smaller than the 1st one, however when the birds as so high, size is difficult to judge.
Possibly 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull and a Herring Gull?
Unless the 3rd Gull is a Yellow Legged Gull of course.

Chances are they are all Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

A Little Owl called from South of me, somewhere in the fields towards Holdsworth.

This new version of Blogger seems to load the photos in a different order to the old version? - confusing my small brain.

Curlew out of the mist.

Mega distant - possible Reed Bunting?

Taylor Lane

Ned Hill Track

Garden Sky Watch:

1st Gull

2nd Gull.

3rd Gull.

Looks a bit Ravenesque but I think its a Carrion Crow.

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