Thursday, 24 September 2020

Ogden Thursday Afternoon

Another visit to Ogden Water this afternoon with a couple of circuits.
A better day weather wise with just a shower or 2 before a short lived  bit of warm sunny stuff.
Good to chat with JS and DJS.

Similar Birds to yesterday really.

3 Willow Warbler.
Coal Tits actually eyeballed today!
(one trying to look like a Firecrest).
Grey Wagtail.
Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Great Crested Grebe.
A few Goldcrest.
c60 Small Gulls (1 with leg rings).(10% Common).
2 Lesser Black Backed Gull.
Herring Gull.
Plus usual sp.

1 comment:

  1. Good to have a chat doing the rounds John. Never know what might turn up with this changeable weather.
