Friday 31 December 2021

New Year's Eve - Local Outing

Abi with us for a day or two at the moment. 

I had a short walk up the local fields this morning.

I did not think I would see anything with a really strong wind blowing, but I did manage to see a few birds along the way.

This afternoon we played 'football' in Bradshaw Park.


2 Raven.

2 Meadow Pipit.

Little Owl.

8 Redwing and a few Gulls.

Garden Watch: 1 Raven over.

A Tawny Owl called , heard from the house, as I was drawing with Abi. 

I took the camera outside to see if I could video the call but the bird failed to call again in the short time I was outside.

Happy New Year Everyone.

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