Saturday 1 January 2022

New Year Mega - Snow Bunting - Soil Hill

Abi with us today and the obligatory visit to Bradshaw Park this morning.

A Garden watch for 20 mins failed to locate JM's Pinkies, coming West from Brighouse.

After lunch I sloped off to walk along the fields to, and up, Ned Hill Lane.

Good to chat with RH who was going to Ogden in his car.

A very windy short look at Ned Hill Track before a visit to Soil Hill.

3 Sheepdogs were just leaving along Soil Hill main track  so I though this will be a waste of time, they will have flushed 'owt there - how wrong could I be.

Nearing the end of the track a small bird ran through the long grass - a Snow Bunting - YES!!!

The bird looked unusually flighty (they are normally quite confiding) in the strong wind.

A few quick pics and then on the phone to grapevine it. 

Sadly I soon lost the bird in the long grass and gale force winds.

Day One of 2022 and a Snow Bunting - how do you follow that??


Garden watch a.m.;

Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Bradshaw Park:

Heron Over.

Circular Walk:

Snow Bunting.

Black Headed Gull, Common Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull.

2 Meadow Pipit.

Nothing on NK pond just a Mallard on the Little pond further along the quarry path.

And a few other sp.


  1. Nice one John ,,great start to the new yeAR ..ALL THE BEST

  2. A great reward for perseverance !

  3. Excellent work!!! Outstanding find John, makes me miss the place that much more!
