Monday 27 May 2024

Whiteholme, Blackstone Edge & Ringstone (Today) Sunday Evening Local Fields

Whiteholme, Blackstone Edge and Ringstone Reservoirs.

Sue had a friend visiting today so I had a free afternoon.

I took the opportunity to drive over to Whiteholme reservoir to do 'the long route'.

I parked on the Mytholmroyd road (sign at the top says road closed).

From the car I walked north-ish along the excellent track to the water.

Here I turned east (right) and continued along the wall side until the wall turned north.

This was my turning point and the heavens opened , with a strong NW wind blowing it wasn't long before I was dripping like a drip sandwich.

I retraced my steps to top of the main track and had a slow stumble north along the waters' edge to the 'stone edifice thingy' at the end.

Here I had a breather, a choc biscuit and an apple yummy yum yum.

After the breather I headed off west along the great track that takes you eventually to Blackstone Edge Reservoir.

I was looking forwards to a coffee in The White House pub but it looked closed? So I gave it a miss.

Some road bashing and I was back at the car.

I called at Ringstone Reservoir 'on my way home' (I've just found the ' key - can you tell?).

At Ringstone I sat in the car . as the sun shone brightly , and ate me tea of Ham and Mustard sarnie, a few grapes, a banana and 2 small biscuits - yummy yum yum x2.

After tea I set off through the long wet grass along the reservoir wall to the Bird Hide.

Here again the heavens opened giving me another nice wash.

The moral of this bit of the story is Don't eat your sarnies in the car when the sun shines! 

After a long outing I arrived home ready for tea, then I realised I'd already eaten it!


The water levels on these reservoirs is very, very high so the chance of any 'scarce'  

Waders is very slim (just like me after my meagre food today).


Carrion Crow, Meadow Pipits.


8or so Common Sandpiper sightings (I doubt if there were 8 birds though).

c10 Swift, Skylark. 

A Teal on a small flooded area  of the moor was a pleasing find in a downpour.

2 Swallow.

Pr. Greylag Geese with Goslings.

Canada Geese, Pied Wagtail, Curlew.

4 Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Blackstone Edge:

2 Common Sandpiper, 2 Linnet, Canada Geese, 3 Mallard.


Willow Warbler, Great Crested Grebe, Moorhen, Pheasant.

and one latrge dead thingy.

Birds Today:

Sunday Evening:

Some hefty downpours this afternoon / evening but the timing of my outing, missed them - just the odd bot of drizzle to contend with.


Little Owl. Pheasant. Meadow Pipit.

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