Friday 21 June 2024

Local Fields

A funeral to go to today - a work colleague who reached the grand age of 92 ..... we all know we don't go on for ever ... but it's still difficult to deal with somehow.


Just a late-ish walk up the local fields this evening, turned out quite interesting.

As I was passing Carol's house along the way she asked about a bird she had heard near Ogden late last night while dropping here friend off after an Italian meal out.

Carol had made a video and as I listened to it I guessed it was an "Owl".- cheers Carol.

My Merlin app came up trumps and ID the call as a Tawny Owl.

I'm not sure if this is an adult(s) Tawny or Juv.'s hunger calling - anyway here it is.

Tawny Owl. 

An Oystercatcher called as I sat reading in the garden late on as well.

The fields revealed a Pheasant,  Little Owl, 2 Linnet , Whitethroat and a few Lesser Black-backed Gulls

1 comment:

  1. Good do to get Tawny owl John. One here last night gave a very brief song. Not much else to report.
