Friday 21 June 2024

Thursday in the sunshine

A very warm day today and I spent most of it in the garden.

I finished a Michael Connolley book and a Robert Crais book 2 of my favourite authors as I sat in the sun.

That will give me something to do now - search the charity shops for some 'new' ones.

I chose the footie after tea instead of my usual walk up the fields - Yeah I know!

(I went up the fields a bit later)

Anyway   ..... birds

Not a lot.


Three Buzzards were high and distant, circling higher over head.

A few Lesser Black-backed Gulls.


2 Heron one being seriously mobbed by several members of the Crow family.

A few Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

c70 Starling.

Little Owl far off in the lower Horse Field.

And a few other species.

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