Wednesday 19 June 2024

Thornton Railway Track / Garden / Town

We enjoyed a short walk along the Thornton Railway track this morning from the Thornton end to the Queensbury tunnel and back.

Plenty of birds and bird song along here on a bright-ish , dry day.

After lunch we took Emma to Specsavers - a lengthy process .

While the ladies were in the Goggle Shop I wandered about the streets taking in all sides of the Square Chapel. 

Afterwards I sat in the sun in the Piece Hall with a coffee and a doughnut from Greggs awaiting their arrival.

Late afternoon I had a short pre-tea sky watch - quite pleasant in the sunshine.


Railway Track:

Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Bullfinch.

Linnet, Dunnock, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler,

Blackbird, Robin, Swallow.

6 or so Swift constantly over the viaduct.

3 Geese, high towards Queensbury in awkward light.

A few Large Gulls??


Just Jackdaws on Square Chapel.



A large Gull?

Early evening a Sparrowhawk (probably) was very high being mobbed by Swallows > NNE.

Nice to see the sun.

Railway Track:

Geese ??

Gulls - Little and Large


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