Wednesday 24 July 2024

Bradshaw - Soil Hill Circular

I enjoyed a hot late morning, early afternoon hike up to and around Soil Hill today.

It was very pleasant eating my lunch time butties, sat on a big rock, on Ned Hill Track in a refreshing breeze today.

Good to chat to Diane at the bottom of Taylor Lane.

It was tough going today as I decided to take in a short section of the north slope hoping for some migrant birds in the tree line there.

Brambles and Thistles are thriving in the long, long grass - but nothing special bird-wise popped out.

Nonetheless it was a good outing.

I forgot me notepad today but found a stamp in my wallet that had lots of room to record today's rarities!

Animal Nonsense:

Sue asked if I fancied a holiday ..I waved and said "Alpaca suitcase , Bison to me lad".

When we arrived it was Otter than I liked and a little Deer in the shop who's advert  was "Weasel Everything".

I soon put on my running shoes saying "I'll have Hedgehog".

I jogged past a guy on bike who had Roe Deer then I jogged past a toilet where a Scottish guy had got stuck in he was shouting "I Kangaroo".

After the jog I was hungry for some toast, so I put some bread under the Gorilla.

I think the sun had addled me brain. today

Pub Quiz.

In the board game "Cluedo" which room can be accessed by the secret passageway from the study?

A: Boardroom

B: Kitchen

C: Ballroom

D: Living Room

Answer under the photos.


2 Heron.

A Buzzard on a post early on and a pair of Buzzard later on, all seen from Bradshaw Lane.

One of the Buzzard pair seemed to be acting strangely, pointing it's tail in the air as it laid down?

A good few Kestrel sightings - Prob 3 birds,

A few Swallow.

3 Linnet

6 Willow Warbler.

4 Whitethroat.

2 Stock Dove.

(At the foot of the diagonal path, that leads up to Soil Hill from Ned Hill Track, a bird tried to nab a Butterfly. It vamoosed really quickly and I got nowt on it!!"!)

Chaffinch, 3 Greenfinch.

Large Gulls in the distant Denholme fields - probably all Lesser  Black-backed.

A few Large Gulls overhead were also probably Lesser Black-backed.

(Dead Weasel).

Photos in some unique Blogger order:-

Quiz Answer:

B Kitchen,

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