Friday 26 July 2024

Brookfoot LNR / Local Fields

I had a run down to Brookfoot, Brighouse late morning.

A fair stroll around the river and canal on a very pleasant day did not reveal anything exceptional.

Hot afternoons are probably the worst time to go birding , but when that's what's on offer it's better than sitting in the garden.

Pub Quiz.

According to the MR MEN characters, what colour is MR HAPPY?

A Red

B Blue

C Yellow

D Green

Answer under the photos.


A Kingfisher flew over the river (opposite the fishing ponds)  and 'ducked' under some overhanging foliage before my camera ping!

2 Moorhen.

2 Heron.

Mallard with a late brood.

A guy from my static caravan days at Skipton (18 years ago ) recognised me in passing ... I guess my MI5 spying days are over.

Local Fields:-

6 Greylag Geese made a pleasant change.


A "Greenfinch" (Unseen) flew over head calling, although the call was only Greenfinch-like but I could not ID it as owt else.

Mummy - slow down a bit.

Quiz Answer.

C Yellow

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