Sunday 28 July 2024

Copy and Paste (Nearly)

We spent most of the day reading or crossword-ing in the hot sunshine in the garden.

Hot Stuff

For a bit of exercise we walked a couple of miles to the Causeway Foot Inn at Ogden for a refreshing shandy.

After tea I had my usual nearly Wellie Free (but not quite) stroll up the local fields.

Almost a replica of yesterday, bird wise, with a nice addition of a Red Legged Partridge.

Pub Quiz.

Changing of the guards takes place every day at Buckingham Palace, but at what time?

A 10:30 a.m.

B 11 a.m.

C 11:30 a.m.

D 12 Noon.

Answer below the photos.


2 Buzzard.

3 or 4 Swallow zippjng about - not been a good year for Swallows near me.

Lots of Magpies hereabouts might have a bearing on this?

9 Greylag Geese.

2 Little Owl.

Large Gull mostly > West.


Red Legged Partridge.

One Whitethroat.

2 Stock Dove.


Quiz Answer.

C 11:30 a.m.

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