Sunday 7 July 2024

Elland to Brookfoot and Local Fields

A very showery walk along the canal and river from Elland Bridge to the Brookfoot Avocet Wks early afternoon.
No time to dawdle with Sue picking me up in 90 minutes.
Fishermen in the river was new for me here?
I was walking under the trees during the worst of the showers so not a bad walk really.
Bird wise not a lot seen however.

After tea the sky brightened and I enjoyed a short meander up the local fields.
(3 or 4 weeks more of dry-ish weather might dry the path!).
A few birds about but nothing new much.

Elland - Brookfoot.

House Martin,
Sand Martin.

Dipper flew past below the near river bank.

Mute Swan with 2 Cygnets. (one adult with ring no: 492).
Grey Wagtail.
Coot with Juv.
1 Lesser Black-backed Gull seen as I gorped in the ever increasing lake foilage.
A Reed Warbler brightened the day with a very short burst of song from the lagoon reeds.

Bradshaw Fields:-

2 Little Owl.
Green Woodpecker - miles off clinging to a telegraph pole .
3 Stock Dove.
4 Lesser Black-backed Gulls over west.
1 Whitethroat.
3 Swallow.

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