Monday 22 July 2024


A stroll around Ogden this afternoon - after a Kit Kat and a Coffee in the visitors centre café.

The rain came and I donned my waterproof trousers then immediately the rain stopped.

No more rain but the trousers kept me very, very hot - should have put them in the sack.

I went home via lanes and over Percy Road.

After tea  I was forced to walk down to The Fleece Inn for a couple of pints as Sue had her friend to visit.

One the way down 2 Little Owl and an Oystercatcher called.

Joke (just).

One cold winter's day a Farmer went out to see his cows and low and behold all his cattle were frozen to the spot.

As he stood there scratching his head another farmer drove up on his Massey Ferguson.

"What's Up?" said the 2nd farmer "and don't say a cow's tail when it's peeing".

"look at me cows" said the 1st farmer "they are not moving they are all frozen to the spot".

"No probs - I know just the person to solve your problem" said farmer No. 2 as he got on his mobile phone.

Half an hour later an elderly lady arrived - walked up to each cow - touched them on the nose - and they all began walking about as normal.

Then the elderly lady got in her car and drove off.

"Who on earth was that?" said Farmer No 1.

It was...

Pub Quiz:

From which country does the mobile phone giant Nokia originate?

A: Norway

B: Sweden

C: Denmark

D: Finland

Answer under photos.


Singing Chiffchaff.
2 Oystercatcher.
Gull numbers increasing Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Black Headed Gulls.
I don't think there was a Herring Gull although a younger large Gull could be!!!

One Common Gull was in the Taylor Lane fields.

1st / 2nd year Herring Gull (possibly)??

Pub Quiz Answer.

D Finland

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