Sunday 21 July 2024

Ringstone Reservoir / Bradshaw Fields

Today, on a visit to Soyland, we took the opportunity to call at Ringstone Reservoir.

The reservoir was very full (as usual).

A tad disappointing really.

After tea I had my customary walk up the local boggy track.

A tad disappointing really!



2 Heron.

11 Mallard.

Collard Dove.

1 Common Sandpiper.

32 Black Headed and 8 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at one point.

Bradshaw Fields:

Just a Little Owl and some very distant Gulls in the many mown fields.

An odd photo that looks "Osprey Like"  or "Peregrine Like" that I think must be a Woodpigeon!!

Pub Quiz.

What appeared for the first time in the Times newspaper in 1860?

A Pictures.

B Weather Forecast.

C Crossword.

D Sports

Answer After the photos.

School holidays are upon us and no doubt we will be having some Abi time.

So this magnificent blog (as if)  may take back stage now and then over the next 6 Weeks.

Quiz Answer: 

B Weather Forecast.

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