Friday 16 August 2024

Filey Holiday

The final fling!

Abi will soon be back at school so this will be our last coastal holiday with her in 2024.

Monday 12th August 2024.

After spending much of my life along the A64 today, we eventually got to Filey Country Caravan Park.
Hot and sunny here today and I had an early stroll up to Carr Naze near the Brigg rocks.


Carr Naze & Filey Brigg.

Sandwich Tern. Sand Martin. Pied Wagtail.
Swallow. Herring Gull. Cormorant.
Linnet. Woodpigeon. Kittiwake.
Black Headed Gull. Fulmar. Gannet.
Goldfinch. Meadow Pipit. Linnet.
Oystercatcher. Heron. Rock Dove.
Magpie, Carrion Crow.
2 Stock Dove.

A distant (unidentified) long billed Wader out on the Brigg Rocks that I tried to video but could not keep the camera still.

Tuesday 13th August 2024.

Carr Naze & Filey Brigg.

Another warm day and another late evening jaunt up to the Brigg area.
A much better outing and a few 'specials' (for me anyway)!

Added to yesterday:-

Great Black-backed Gull. Shag. Kestrel.
Sanderling. Dunlin.

An unknown call (to me) was identified as a  Whimbrel on Merin app.
The  few high pitched notes, seemed to " mild" to me to be a Whimbrel?

Wednesday 14th August 2024.

Filey Dams.

Overnight rain gave way to sunshine but a NE wind cooled the job down a bit!

I did the 30 minute walk from the park to Filey Dams mid-morning while Abi was recovering in bed from her exhausting body boarding in the sea yesterday evening.

I met 3 other birders here, one from Leeds and two locals.
All three very knowledgeable with 40+ years birding (each)!

The strong NE wind was blowing through the hide and all 4 of us commented on how freezing it was.
I had left "home" in sunshine & shorts but here gave me the shivers.

We managed a couple of hours before one by one we left.

Some good scrapes here with the water now lowered via a sluice gate pipe that had been blocked (on other land) by a plastic bag!

A really enjoyable 2 hours and I added a few birds added to my holiday list:-

6 Green Sandpiper.
Little Egret.
Moorhen. Tufted Duck. Greylag Goose.
House Martin.

Back at Filey I met up with  Abi & Sue for lunch in Froffies for a sausage sarnie and a coffee.

Afterwards we played putting by the posh white hotel.
Then expensive crazy golf on the prom, then slurped an ice cream from the last shop down the cobbled landing.

Carr Naze:

Afterwards I sloped off to check out. the small pond on Carr Naze.
While I was scanning the pond I heard an unfamiliar call, high, over the sea.
I switched on the Merlin app. and the bird called, again, just once , Merlin reported it as a Ringed Plover - unseen alas.

Thursday 15th August 2024.

Our final full day and light rain arrived.
We had decided to have a train ride today, so that worked out ok with a train into Bridlington.

I checked the harbour where the water was high.

Bridlington Harbour:

Just Turnstone and Redshank were seen here.

Meanwhile 'back at the ranch Tonto is disguised as a door .... oops can't go there"

Meanwhile back on the caravan park, late evening, a walk west-ish along the good Filey Flood Defence wasteland path  brought me a Barn Owl just before dark.

Final Morning - 
Friday 16th August 2024

This morning I had an "early" morning walk up to Carr Naze to the end to look down on to the Brigg rocks.

Very pretty with the usual Gannet and Terns diving.

There are probably other Tern species other than the Sandwich variety that I can hear but birds are to distant to ID using my tackle!

A pleasing end to a good holiday.

The A64 was still waiting for us.

Yes very still and lots of waiting. On our drive home.

Dunlin and Sanderling.

Long Billed Wader on a really awful video.

Photos loaded in no particular order alas.



Long billed Wader - Awfully distant.






Probably a Mallard.



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