Sunday 18 August 2024

Out and About

I had an appointment this a.m. at Specsavers Halifax after a thorough examination I was relieved of several notes, bearing the King's bonce, and told to return in a week for some new spectacles. 

So, watch this space, because after next week, I'll be able to wrongfully ID more Gull species!

After Specsavers we took Emma out for some jock at Craggies farm shop.

We took the long way back to drop Emma at Sowerby Bridge and stopped (my request) near Blackstone Edge Reservoir.

Very, very windy here and cold with it. 

Some brave or crazy (or both) windsurfer types were zooming along the water.

I had a chilly walk up the road to the north end of the drink but saw nowt!

Back at Sowerby Bridge gardens  - A Chiffchaff and a Bullfinch were picked out by my Merlin app.

The app. also reported a Common Redstart but I think this was a the result of distorted Chiffchaff call.

Later, a short garden watch brought with it 7 Mistle Thrush and a Starling.

Late evening I had a walk up the local fields

Haymaking was on the go in the lower fields with the big, black plastic noisy, wrapping machine wrapping big time to Drake by the sound of it.

Birds Local.

Pheasant, Little Owl, Willow Warbler.

Chiffchaff, Chaffinch, 3 Rook.

2 Meadow Pipit, c45 Large Gulls.

At Least:-

2 Adult Common Gull.

1 Black Headed Gull.


3 Mistle Thrush.

Starling, Blackbird, 2 Wren


Pub Quiz.

Which sign of the zodiac is know as the Archer?

A. Sagittarius.

B. Capricorn.

C. Leo

D. Virgo

Answer After the photos.

Quiz Answer.

A. Sagittarius.

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