Friday 6 September 2024

Bradshaw Fields

We had to make a journey to Huddersfield this morning and after lunch I had a saunter up the local fields.

After tea I had a second stab at the local fields but this time the mist was forming and it became quite cool.

After yesterday's abysmal weather, this aft. was very Torremolinos like.

The walk was enjoyable enough but nothing new came into view.



Cormorant, Nuthatch, Long Tailed Tit, Heron.

Bradshaw Fields:-

After Lunch:

House Sparrows. Chiffchaff.

Common, Black Headed, Lesser Black-backed and Herring Gulls.

At least 2 Kestrel.

Just a few Swallows.

26 Canada Geese. 2 Stock Dove.

Meadow Pippit.  Linnet.

A garden sky-watch late afternoon revealed just Gulls.

After Tea:

Not much added to my earlier outing.


32 Canada Geese this time around.

10 Mistle Thrush over head.

A solitary Lapwing was in a lower field with a few Gulls,

A Peregrine Falcon was seen as we drove through Halifax earlier.

Pub Quiz:

The three letter airport code LAX denoted which airport.

A. Los Vegas.

B. Los Angles.

C. Las Palma.

D. Luton

Answer after the photos.

The patience of a Heron.

Pub Quiz Answer:

B: Los Angles.

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