Thursday 5 September 2024

Whiteholme Reservoir

Very poor weather here in Bradshaw, so I had the 'bright' idea of going over to Whiteholme Reservoir mid-morning.

(Sue and here friend had gone for a posh, late brecky at Ricci's in town).

The weather at Whiteholme was lousy with very poor visibility in thick misty wet stuff and a NNE gale was blowing to boot.

After arriving at the reservoir wall I turned right (east-ish) and walked into the gale to the end to follow the wall around (north-ish) to look at the inflow stream.

I failed to eyeball 4 small ducks that were out on a small island in the thick mist before they flushed early gobbled up immediately by the gloom!

The input stream and reservoir here has loads of exposed shoreline so I was hoping for something great - but "live in hope.....".

On the way up to  the stream (and back) a few 'small' birds were flitting about on the reservoir side rocks.

I was trying to work out what nationality these birds were - Welsh? English? Irish? - no. They were all Scittish.

2 Wheatear were present with Meadow Pipits and a very short sighting of a possible Stonechat was confirmed when the Stonechat perched in a small tree for a moment, allowing a photo.

The best part of the outing today was my lunch , put together by my own fair hand. 

Ham and tomato sarnie with Sue's homemade apple chutney.

Followed by and apple and some grapes.

Followed by Abi's homemade Choc. bun.

Followed by a lump of Milk Chocolate.

All washed down with some Bradshaw Corporation Pop.

5  course meal - who needs Ricci's.

Followed by some belt slackening!

Only downside was, with the wind direction I could not sit on my usual rocks out of the wind. I had to sit on the deck behind the stone inspection chamber instead.


2 Wheatear.

6 Meadow Pipit.

4 Small Ducks - probably Teal.


3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

3 Pied Wagtail.

(Possible White variety but it's beyond me to separate this species).

2 Carrion Crow.

Poss. Skylark.

Pub Quiz.

Which online games company are responsible for games such as

Draw Something, Farmville, and Words with Friends.

A. Ubisoft.

B. King.

C. Sega.

D. Zynga.

Answer under photographs.

Pub Quiz Answer:

D. Zynga.

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