Wednesday 16 October 2024

Along the canal and river at Brookfoot

Went out for a couple of expensive swigs last night with DJB.

Redwing were calling almost constantly (unseen) from the fog as we legged it up Bradshaw Lane to The Raggalds.

Another grim do!

Another grim day today with thick damp, misty/foggy grot.

This afternoon I got togged up and drove down to Brookfoot, Brighouse.

A lot better visibility here but still quite grotty.

Some rain caught me as I was on my way back to the car - boo hoo.

The canal was shrouded in mist in places (water colder than the air above it I guess?) very atmospheric.

Some loony came past doing 30mph on a souped up bike affair.

Mostly a canal walk but I had a short look at the river and a very awkward squint through the Ski-lake trees.


2 Moorhen. 1 Canada Goose.

c10 Cormorants. 1 Goosander.

The four 'usual' Gull species on the lake.

4 Tufted Duck.

Collared Dove.

1 Mute Swan.

A Kingfisher dashed past, in the rain, near Avocet Works as I was nearly back at the car.


The serval. oncilla and margay are all species of which animal?

Quiz Answer:-


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