Monday 14 October 2024

Local Fields (Again)

On the buses this morning with the 502 to Keighley quickly followed by the Bradford - Keighley shuttle as far a East Riddlesden Hall.

We then walked along the canal into Bingley, called in to the jam packed Wetherspoons for a very enjoyable small  lunch.

Nothing much, bird wise, seen on the walk just 9 Mute Swan.

Later on I had my now usual late-ish walk along the local fields.

A very sunny day - quite cold in Bradshaw early on which fooled us into pitting too many layers on - sweating a tad by the time we got to Bingley!!



2 Little Owl.

2 Mistle Thrush.

4 Meadow Pipit.

c20 Gulls.

Barn Owl.

Great Spotted Woodpecker a long way off!!


Elapidae, acanthopis and taipan are all types of which animal?

Gull mobbed by Jackdaws

Quiz Answer:


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