Tuesday 1 October 2024

Reighton Gap

Sunday 29th September 2024.

We had a few days away at Reighton Gap near Filey this week.

Quite a few Raptors seen on the way here, included a Buzzard, a Red Kite, a Kestrel and what looks like a Peregrine Falcon. 

Pictures take through the windscreen aren't great as you would expect.


We arrived on Sunday after the now obligatory 20 minutes hold up with A64 bridge works ( works - going on out of sight we hope). Some flooded fields seen on the way here.

We had a walk down the very steep path (Reighton Gap) to look at the beach which was near non-existent with tide well in and few birds - some Gannets were visible on the far cliffs,

We caught the bus to Filey so Sue could hand over her 5p and 20p RLNI donation 'tiny jam pots'.

Tide high here at Filey and just Gulls and Cormorants seen.

After catching the bus back to the caravan park, I had another walk down the steep track to the beach again but it was bereft of life!

Yellow Browed Warbler.

This holiday timing was 'better-sweet' in a strange sort of way.

As we were loading the car, the Calderdale WhatsApp messaging app. pinged. 

The message was from DJB on Soil Hill and he had found undoubtedly a Mega bird up there - a Yellow Browed Warbler.

Under different circumstances I would have gone up to look for it.

But with us soon ready to leave and an unknown twitch time (20 minutes or 2 hours or ..... - who knows) I had to give it a miss unfortunately.

Well done Daniel a very fitting result for the daily hours you dedicate to Soil Hill birding - 

 ( most of them very early hours when I am sleeping!!).

I am tempted to offer to buy you a shandy in the Raggalds next time we meet -  but I don't want to go overboard here !

Back to reality........

Monday 30th September 2024 - very wet.

We spent most of the day on the bus today with the weather bring so foul.

Firstly we caught the bus to Bridlington.

It was very, very, wet  and windy as I had a look at the harbour (while Sue had a coffee in the very friendly harbour cafĂ© next to the posh chippy).

It was so wet I took just a small camera and no bins today,

There was some mud still visible in the harbour with 2 Redshank and a couple of Turnstone.

We then headed off to the bowling alley.

After a couple of games of 10 pin bowling (where we were both pants) we had a walk along the front and a coffee to warm up in the leisure centre where the waves were BIG with just Gulls and a few Turnstone seen on the beach hereabouts.

We then  caught the bus towards the caravan park near Filey and for some strange reason we decided to go all the way to Scarborough on the bus.

I managed to read 2 books, do 2 hard cryptic crosswords and a "Where's Willie" jigsaw, on the bus,  and we were still only half way to Scarborough - but its free for us old folk - but don't mention this the budget is on its way - on the 30th !

In Scarborough the B.I.G. high waves were something to see (just visible through the heavy rain!) with some crashing over the harbour wall.

The tide was fully in and just 2 Turnstones were seen -  guess where?  - on the pavement in town.

The bus journey back had a few "characters" on the bus.

This was a  day where the on site shop's red wine and chocolate bars were too good to refuse.

Supping red wind and watching clothes dry - is my new hobby, while listening to Pink Footed Geese fly overhead in the dark.

 Tuesday 1st October 2024.

Looking at Tuesday's weather forecast (on Monday evening), we were in for some gale force winds again and heavy rain all day.

So, Tuesday morning we came home (a day early).

Scarborough above.

On our way there.:-


2 Photos below of a Raptor that I cannot ID.
Probably a Buzzard.

Flooded Fields.

Filey Brigg.

Filey from Reighton Gap ish.

Reighton Sands
Reighton Cliffs.


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