Wednesday 2 October 2024

Bradshaw - Soil Hill (Late evening).

Another funeral today - a colleague from work.

I left the house quite late today - after 5p.m. and enjoyed a cool breezy walk along the fields  and over Soil Hill, keeping to the main tracks.

A walk rather that a birding outing today with daylight soon dwindling now.

Dark when I got home at 6:45 ish.


3 Snipe - 2 airborne - Bradshaw Fields. 1 flushed Soil Hill.

Just a few Gulls about.

36 Canada Geese.

3 Wren.

Lots of Jackdaws at Crabtree Hall Farm.

2 Kestrel.

A few Meadow Pipits along the lower fields with c10 on the Hill.

4 (2 + 2) Skylark flushed on Soil Hill - burbled off.

2 Little Owl (1 Bradshaw Fields , 1 Taylor Lane).

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