I had a nice walk this morning while Sue was making Marmalade.
The weather looked decidedly iffy as I left home and some big black clouds appeared as I approached Raggalds Flood.
Things improved though and although it was cold and draughty on the west side of Soil Hill it remained bright.
I arrived at Soil Hill via Percy Rd corner, taking the field contour path and past the top of the quarry before going over the apex path, along Ned Hill Track and home via Taylor Lane.
This afternoon I had a short outing along the local fields 'river' path.
It was coming cold but stayed dry.
Joke (Well just about).
School Teacher: Johnny please use the word lentil in a sentence.
Johnny: On Saturday Danny borrowed my football and it was lentil Thursday, when he gave it me back.
What is the name of Kanye West's debut album?
Raggalds Flood - 8 Common Gull.
Soil Hill Walk:
5 Meadow Pipit
12 (3,2,3,4) Redwing.
4 Starling.
2 Bullfinch.
3 Mistle Thrush.
4 Goldfinch.
5 Red Legged Partridge.
A Sparrowhawk streaked through, low, as I left the top quarry path for the main path.
A Skylark called (airborne) but I did not eyeball it.
(Quite late in the year for a Skylark).
Many Common Gulls in the fields along the way.
A few Black Headed Gulls and 4 Herring Gulls airborne.
Local Fields:-
Little Owl.
6 Common Gull.
2 Meadow Pipit.
2 Goldfinch.
A Barn Owl was being shadowed by Two Kestrel.
Enjoyable birding today.
Quiz Answer:
The college drop out.
A good do there John. Interesting with one of SD's Barn Owls.