Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Cold Edge Dams - Wainstalls

A bright sunny morning , 2 degrees on the car as I set off to Waintstalls.

Parking up near the old Delvers pub I legged it down the road passing all the houses and after 150 yds I  took a step style on the right.

This path led me straight as a die (excluding bog hop) to the corner of the lower of the 2 dams.

I had a couple of target 'ticks' in mind - Reed Bunting (always difficult for me to find) and Red Grouse (getting scarce?).

Arriving at the small stand of conifers I heard a faint call and I was fortunate to trace the call coming from a Reed Bunting, low down in a tree - tick.

Scanning the open moor from here I chanced upon a Red Grouse - tick - things are going well.

I walked the path next to the lower dam then climbed to walk along the upper dam and then along the top of the lower dam, back to the 'start'.

I did this walk 2 or 3 times during my 4 hours or so birding here.

The north wind blowing over the lower dam was pretty evil today but some birds were able to get some shelter on the far side.

I sat on a sheltered grassy tuft to eat my butties.

I though I'd developed sudden dandruff as small white flakes floated down landing on my shoulders - these fine snow flakes amounted to nowt much really.

After lunch I was going to call it a day but I was hoping for a Redshank to appear so I started out on one more circuit.

Very soon a Redshank called and I picked out two Redshank zooming along from the wind turbine area towards the lower dam.

Being a clever clogs I thought I'd wait and get an awesome photo once they landed.

The Redshank had other ideas as they landed for a second and left -gone - doh!

I stood there scratching me bonce like Stan Laurel as I said "Oh deary deary me [NOT]".

Anyway I decided to hang about some more and my patience was rewarded when I picked up a calling Redshank coming from the South and I got a couple of poor photos. My 3rd tick today,

2 Large Herring Gulls were mobbing a Third Large Gull and I would have bet the farm that the 3rd Large Gull was a Gt. Black-backed but when they all landed the 3rd Gull morphed into a Lesser Black-backed Gull - given away by the yellow legs.

Today was a really, really enjoyable birding outing in a very picturesque setting (to me anyway). 

The cold weather helping to keep me moving!


2 Redshank.

1 Meadow Pipit!

2 Skylark.

7 Curlew.

c40 Lapwing.

5 Red Grouse (1 seen, 4 heard).

Reed Bunting.

c70 Canada Geese.

2 Oystercatcher.


10 Greylag Geese.

3 Chaffinch.

2 Stock Dove.

Pied Wagtail.

3 Crows.

4 Mallard.


2 Black Headed Gull.

3 Common Gull.

7 Lesser Black-backed Gull.

9 Herring Gull.

8 Starlings.

1 Magpie.

10 Woodpigeon.

Surely not

This looks like the Big One.
But I'm pretty sure it's the same bird that landed
a few moments later with Yellow Legs?

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