Saturday, 1 March 2025

Local / St. Aidens RSPB

1st of Match and while we wait for Abi to welcome in the day......
Another cracking day today and a nice surprise with a singing Linnet seen as I walked up the path to Wards View through the bog to Ned Hill Road and back.

Hazy type of sunshine for the most part with lots of bird song and a few 'good uns' (for me anyway) along the way.

A lovely walk if you have your wellies on !

After lunch (Abi breakfast) Sue decided to take Abi shopping to Junction 32 outlet near Castleford and gave me options:-

1. Go Shopping.

2. Go birding at St. Aidens RSPB reserve.

After a lot of head scratching (he lied)  I finally option of No 2. birding.
Sue dropped me at St, Aidens and picked me up later on.

A bit of a late do this evening,  with Wakefield to call at later as well.

St. Aidens RSPB.

This place is massive and I always seem to run out of time, no matter how much time I have.

Today I look a left between the first ponds after the car park to eventually walk along the west(?) side of the ponds.

It was quite a hike before I came to a path that leads between the ponds to circle around back to the car park.

In the afternoon you need to get to the 'far side' because the afternoon sun creates a massive amount of glare on the water(s) and the birds appear in silhouette.

I did OK I think taking photos as I walked probably 3 miles or more!


Bradshaw Fields.


2 Stonechat.

Greenfinch. Goldfinch.Chaffinch.

6 Meadow Pipit.

c10m Herring Gulls.

A potential Yellow Legged Gull in flight - but I am not clever enough to dissect the P number on it's wing tips!! I'm clutching at strays again.

c80 Small Gulls in the horse field with glare from the sun.

c20 Common Gulls sunbathing in another field.

3 Stock Dove.

5 Wren.

Long Tailed Tit.


Little Owl.


St Aidens RSPB.

I'll let the photos speak for themselves (later) but some highlights were:-

Many, many Duck species plus..


Many Curlew.

Great White Egret.


I'll post the photos later, when I've had time to look at 'em.(Probably tomorrow now).

Bradshaw Fields.

Herring or Y.L.G.

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