Another day, another bus ride or three and a walk in between.
This morning we caught the 10:07 502 bus to Cross Roads, the B3 bus to Hebden Bridge was not playing ball today with a 38 minute wait for it. But, hey up! look there - there is the excellent Wilde's cafe - lets put some yummy calories in our bellies.
We passed a quick 38 minutes devouring a coffee and an Egg Custard each! Very nice as well.
The B3 driver was NOT Emerson Fittipaldi for a change and we enjoyed a relaxing bus ride into Hebden.
A quick look around Hebden before we set off along the 'river path' to Luddenden Foot.
A new cafe for our Toasted T cake lunch today - the one near the new bridge on the road to the railway.
Déjà vu came along when the Halifax bus's backside was seen departing the bus stop just as we got near to it - boo hoo.
We both needed a pee so we walked up the road to Sue's friend Helen where we "paid a visit".
The buses to home were good to us and dropped us on Illingworth road for a half mile walk home.
Quite cool today with the promised sun not making an appearance to late on.
No time for the Local fields this evening where no doubt several rarities were flying by.
With the better weather and longer days ahead it looks like walking will be taking up more of my time.
Just a small camera and more a walk than a birding job today.
4 Greylag Geese (seen from the Hebden bus).
2 Pair of Goosander.
2 Mistle Thrush.
Singing Song Thrush.
9 Chiffchaff.
Barnacle Goose.
2 Great Spotted Woodpecker (1 seen, 1 heard).
3 Pied Wagtail.
I checked the Brearley Heronry where 2 nests had occupants.
I Heron sitting and 1 Heron standing.
Rookery busy near Copperfields - Luddenden Foot.
(Song Thrush singing loudly near dusk opposite our house).
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