Saturday, 15 March 2025

Soil Hill to Bradshaw (White Windows - Sowerby Bridge)

Percy Rd, Soil Hill (via contour path), Ned Hill and Farms Tracks was my route this afternoon.
Earlier we made a visit to White Windows, Sowerby Bridge and I had a short look at the gardens there.
A dry, dullish, calm cold day.


White Windows.
2 Singing Chiffchaff.
Buzzard, Bullfinch, Nuthatch.

Soil Hill - Bradshaw:

Soil Hill was deads-ville.
3 Curlew - Shay Fields.
2 Curlew Ned Hill Track > Ogden.
1 Curlew Bradshaw Fields.
1 Moorhen , 4 Mallard (NK Pond).
1 Moorhen (New Small Pond opposite Kelham Farm Shop).
Just a few Gulls , mostly airborne.
1 Lapwing Shay Fields.

c30 Redwing in trees along the start of the farm track (Ned Hill Rd Bottom).
The Redwing were chattering excitedly - I expect they are looking forward to going home.
3 Pheasants along the way.

Green Woodpeckers.

2 Green Woodpeckers were in competition, both calling loudly.
One was in Bradshaw Fields and the other somewhere near Bradshaw Park.

I tried to get a video with the nearby one calling but failed as it waited ages between calls then only called for a short time.

I did, however capture the bird with it's tongue extended - this is a first for me!

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