Friday, 4 November 2016

Ogden - Bradshaw

14:20 - 16:45.

After a morning "winterising" the garden.
(pulling out all the plants under Sue's instructions and taking 'em t' tip).

I thought I'd try for the Northern Treecreeper at Ogden.
Sue kindly dropped me at Ogden and fortunately a whopping cloudburst had just left the scene as we pulled up at Syke Lane.

The weather during the rest of the afternoon wasn't too bad, but the light suffered(especially in the woods)  with lots of dark clouds and a bit of rain about.

A cracking surprise awaited me when I arrived at the waters' edge - 2 Drake Mandarin Duck.
A real bonus for 'lowly' Ogden.

B.S. then arrived on the scene and I had an enjoyable, if short, chat.

I then went along passerine alley and was soon rewarded when a large flock of mostly Chaffinch dropped in.
The light was horrible with all the birds in silhouette.
There were Coal Tit and Goldcrest here as well, but I could not extract a Brambling from the group.

There are really good Goldcrest numbers at Ogden now.
A good search about revealed my first (of three) Treecreeper seen this afternoon. 
The photos ,though, are very poor.

I walked further along, leaving the circuit, to the right of the first bridge continuing the Treecreeper hunt and I was rewarded with a further 2 Treecreepers seen within 200 yds of the bridge.
The light here was nearly non-existent according to the camera.
A Great Spotted Woodpecker called as I returned to the main drag and continued along the circuit.
Not a lot else seen just the usual Gulls and Mallards.

A check for the Kingfisher and/or dipper from the prom. came up blank but the 2 Mandarin Duck looked settled on the waters edge as dusk was fast approaching.

Just a Heron was seen flying low over the Bradshaw fields as I walked home.

A good day for Ogden birders.


  1. Glad you got to see the Mandarin John, light was terrible for photography mate.
    Plenty of treecreepers about in Ogden they're doing well as are the wrens

  2. Cheers Dave - a great bird to photpgraph.
