Saturday, 5 November 2016

Soil Hill

12:00 - 13:00

I had an hour on Soil Hill while Sue, Emma and Abigail made some clay masterpieces.

I was hoping for Snow Bunting, the weather was certainly 'Snow Bunt' type, with a near gale blowing from the north on the tops but no sign of a Bunt.

I nearly trod on a Jack Snipe as it flushed from the East side, the gale making its get away even quicker that normal.
I know Jack Snipe wait to the last minute before flushing,but this one was within a stride of being trod on!

There were 3 Meadow Pipit seen at the end of Ned Hill Track and a pleasing bonus of a Grey Wagtail feeding in the lee of a high banking in the Taylor Lane drainage channel.

Just the usual small gulls seen in the fields on the way home.

I wonder how much brass will go up in smoke tonight?

Soil Hill Ruin

A hardy Blackbird

Spot the Grey Wagtail

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