Tuesday, 31 January 2017

√Can you see me Mother!

An ugly cold day today with thick fog and drizzle in Bradshaw.
We had a look at the shops in Brighouse and afterwards took a very quick detour up Jay House Lane on our way home.

It was a different world in Brighouse, still cold but no fog, just dull and damp.

A nosy at the pond, at the bottom of the hill on the way to Jay House Lane, revealed a good few Mallard, a good few Small Gulls and a Heron hunched up under a hedge, looking miserable.

At the top of Jay House Lane the drizzle came along making it a cold an unpleasant 'look about'.

There were lots of Small Gulls and Corvids in the fields with 4 Stock Doves,  2 Grey Wagtail and another unidentifiable bird.

The bird could have been a Meadow Pipit, Skylark and for some bizarre reason Shore Lark came into my mind as soon as I'd seen it.
I think the fog has gone to me brain.

Maybe I was looking for a good excuse, for leaving Sue sitting in the car for 30 minutes after saying "I'll be 5 minutes that's all". 
Or maybe I was trying to justify why I was standing in the rotten drizzle to myself.

I wonder if other birders have a potential Mega moment when they are stood about freezing ?

Anyway, the bird made a sudden turn just before landing, far away,  and disappeared into the field mounds.
I should have taken some pictures of where the bird landed, and looked through them afterwards,on the laptop - I now realise.

I scanned with Sue's bins  - didn't have mine with me - for the next 15 minutes and although the Grey Wagtails were visible I could not relocate the ? bird.

I needed a scope really given the distance.

I wondered to myself then , when , if ever, a Shore Lark had been seen in Calderdale.

I took a stroll up the road to see if a Tree Sparrow was in residence but could not locate one.

At least I got my first Rook of 2017!!

Roll on sunshine.


  1. Well done on the Rook John, a bit grim for birding today mate but respect for giving it a go.

  2. Shorelark - not many records John. 1 at Lower Gorple in Dec 1971, 1 Roils Head (Nick D) Nov 1997. Since then one or two but don't have the date records to hand. Soil Hill 3 together, Swales Moor 1 stayed for 3 months, Fly Flats 1, are the ones that come to mind. Will try find the dates. All pre 2011 at least.

  3. A marvellous sightings report there Dave.
    Thanks for taking the time to put the information on the blog.
    Not much hope that my bird was a Shorelark by the sounds of it.
    Only got a glimpse in terrible light.
    Looking at my birdguides DVD I would have thought it would have been feeding and moving around rather than "skulking out of sight".
    Thanks again


  4. Thanks Dave B.
    Not a good postie day!!
