Thursday, 9 February 2017

Bradshaw and Soil Hill

13:45 - 15:30

Light snow showers accompanied me today on my usual Soil Hill Snow Bunt. hunt.

It was quiet on the way up with a few Small Gulls in the fields and overhead. 
No Little Owls were seen again today.

Quite cold, and very dull,on the tops with the snow a nuisance , for the bins and camera,rather than anything else. 

I dropped some bird food on the main track where 3 Stock Doves had flushed a few seconds earlier.

A good trek about, including a walk across to the east side Ordnance Column, revealed 2 Skylark and a flock of 12 Meadow Pipit.

15:00 Ned Hill Track

Leaving Soil Hill onto Ned Hill Track a Wren was flying along the wall.
A search in the lower west side bushes gave me a long awaited 2017 tick with the sighting of a Green Woodpecker.

On a dry day I'd most probably have got a photo but today the camera was sheltering under my baseball cap and the bird, seeing me, flew low to land behind the bushes.
I waited about a while but it did not re-appear.

After quite a few trips down to Coach Road, Lightcliffe looking for Green Woodpeckers, Its quite ironic to find one on my doorstep.

I was so elated, I wanted to roll in a cow field to give myelf a pat on the back.

Amazing what one different bird species, on Soil Hill, can make to an outing - magic.

Some more awesome photos.

Snow not sticking on the tops

Looks like chocolate cake for pud.

Spot the Skylark!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice one with the Green Woody John, I went looking for one yesterday but no joy even though I heard it.
