Sunday, 19 February 2017

Bradshaw - Soil Hill - Ogden

14:00 - 17:00

After a full day, yesterday, with Abigail - Shibden Park- Dick Whittington and his Cat, panto at Salem Church, Halifax - absolutely fantastic, very funny. This was followed by a late tea at Macdonalds...... so it was rest day today for Abigail & Emma at our house.

Late afternoon, I managed to walk out the front door, backwards (they thought I was coming in) and head off towards Ogden.

It was a poor day, very dull with constant light drizzle for company.

I managed to extract a Little Owl from a far off wall as I went up Taylor Lane.

Soil Hill.

I dropped some Nijer Seed on the main track and walls and was pleased to see a Skylark feeding on the main track.

2 Skylark were up singing and 2 flushed as I has a 30 minute saunter up there.
Other than the Skylarks just 1 Meadow Pipit was seen.
The shay fields and pond were bereft of birds.

Nearing Ogden the plantation had 2 Singing Song Thrush.

15:20 - 16:30 Ogden Water.

Quiet again for me here today.
c70 Small Gulls, 2 Canada Geese by the bread lobbers area and 9 were out sailing.
No Kingfisher and it's ages since I caught up with the Dipper.

I did catch up with Larry Danigan's and B.S.'s Car Park Bramblings however.

I was looking from the Promenade towards the car park when c10 birds landed in the trees, soon to drop into the Rhod de da de da's .
Then 10 or so more came along and stayed a while before roosting.
There were a few others that came in and quickly dropped down as well, there was a mix of Brambling and Goldfinch.

Approaching Ingham Lane on the homeward journey, a huge 'skyful' of Starling flew quickly past going towards Ringby Top - 500 - 1,000 ?? 

Nice to get the boots on, even if the weather was very poor.

During the outing c40 Lapwing > N.

Spot the Little Owl

Amazing things cameras - I could not see the colours through the bins , but the photos (although very poor) pick out the Brambling ..just

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