10:30 - 12:30
Bit of a rush tonight to get me blog done.......
A Mistle Thrush was enjoying some Meal Worms from the top of our Wheelie Bin as I left for Soil Hill this morning.
Earlier visitors to the Wheelie Bin cafe were Robin & Blackbird.
No trace of any Little Owl today. Maybe the very wet night had them up late looking for food and they were still resting in the walls.
Perseverance Road had a solitary Wren.
Soil Hill was a bit kinder with at c10 Skylark, 3 were airborne and singing.
2 Raven, with the leading one cronking, went ESE.
A Heron made a rapid exit from the main path pool.
A Kestrel was getting some grief from 2 crows.
3 Mallard, 2 Moorhen and a possible Teal were on the NK pond.
c200 Lapwing were a long, long way off. on the bottom , north end, field beyond the NK pond.
I tried to turn one of then into one of B.S.'s Goldies but could not tell from this distance if there were any Golden Plover there.
Anyway, I 'ummed and 'aahed and decided upon a long hike down to Keighley Road and along to the Denholme side of Thornton Road to take a closer look.
At least the majority of the birds were still present when I arrived opposite them on Thornton Road - but still no Goldie's.
I'm glad I'm not a Twitcher - couldn't take the disappointment of missing my target bird.
Sue phoned offering to pick me up at Denholme Velvets so we could visit the Cullingworth outdoor shop / cafe.
On the way there a huge flock of c300 birds, presumably Lapwing went over towards Oxenhope.
They were split into 2 largish groups.
Opposite Denholme Velvet's, there were c30 Fieldfare, mostly on the telephone wires with a few Starling.
A stop at the Cafe/Outdoor shop at Cullingworth, was followed by a short stroll down Turf Lane.
There were plenty of Gulls about, a Nuthatch, singing Song Thrush, 20 Redwing and a few other sp.
A very large Corvid was in the trees hereabouts.
I have been brought kicking and screaming into 2017 with a new smart phone - it's proving smarter than me at present - I see I've missed 2 calls from 'er in doors and a text from B.S. - sorry.
Time to go out for Pool/Snooker now - had more Jam that Hartley's last week - long may my luck continue - without luck I'm sunk!!
Some stonking photos follow (but maybe not tonight).....
Skylark up singing
Possible Teal - cropped from the photo below - not great!!
The following pictures are of the large Lapwing Flock taken from Soil Hill:
3 Mallard and 2 moorhen by the looks of them
Thornton Road - Denholm Velvets
Dunnock of the Day
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