Monday, 27 March 2017

Loical Gander

Bradshaw Area and Oats Royd 10:40 - 12:30 (Ish).

I had a local circular walk about on a very cold and dull morning, this morning, taking in Bradshaw & Oats Royd.

First up was a distant Green Woodpecker calling from high in a tree behind East View Farm.
I thought I'd get a bit nearer, for a better pic, and after a search for a Little Owl, looked up and the Green W. had gone.

I did find the Little Owl in the field and there were also plenty of Meadow Pipits here.

Also, unusual for here, a calling, dipping and diving solitary Lapwing.

The Bradshaw Hall area had lots of Goldfinch and a few calling Greenfinch with 3 Mistle Thrush and other common sp.

A Coal Tit was singing from a tree, although it looked 'too big' to be a Coal Tit. 

Looking at my bird guides though, I cannot turn it into owt else!

Bradshaw Park had lots of Goldfinch, a few Meadow Pipit and c12 Canada Geese, with one on a nest by the looks of it. Also here a Pied Wagtail with the usual sp. in the bushes.

Oats Royd.

A Pied Wagtail was by the farm as I turned down the bridleway to O.R.

6 or so Long Tailed Tits and a beautiful but very flighty Chiffchaff darting about in the reeds, picking off small insects.

At least I hope it's a Chiffchaff (going by the dark legs).

No call or song came from the bird.

Then 2 rare sightings (for me, anyway, down here).

A Redpoll that I got the bins on for a second , went for the camera but the bird flew into trees higher up.

Next tree on! a Brambling, again, only seen of a short period of time and again left before I got the camera on it.

Disappointing, because I did not get a pic. of either bird and although I'm au fait with both sp. I am reluctant to accept them as kosher without a pic.

I then got a telling bone call, stop playing out and come in for lunch - somethings never change, no matter how old we get.

Oh well , win some , loose some.

Coal Tit

Robin of the day

Some pictures of a very illusive Chiffchaff in the reeds:- 

Spot the Chiffchaff (above)

A singing Dunnock - had me fooled for a while (which is quite easily done)

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