Sue had arranged to take Abigail swimming at Cleckheaton this morning so I had a good few hours free.
I though I'd give Abigail's cold a good kicking, seeing that it has lodged in my nose without my permission.
The Hike.
From Bradshaw I went up Bradshaw Lane to the Raggalds turned left and after a couple of fields I took the gap stile through the wall on the left to Perseverance Road.
I took right uphill to the road corner and then straight ahead through a wall stile to rise up the field.
A bit of a boggy corner is negotiated before turning right with the wall/fence to cross several fields via tight gap-stiles, to emerge onto Soil Hill.
My path kept with the low wall , ahead, through some rough brambly stuff to arrive at a wall corner.
Ignoring the gap stile in the wall ahead, I turned left for a few strides then right to follow the field contour for about 200 yds.
Here a thin path comes in from the left and I followed it down ((right) to arrive at a very Boggy track (Ned Hill Track).
A right here takes me behind Pottery Cottage and down towards the Pottery Buildings.
The path avoids the Pottery environs by a left then right dog-leg to the Pottery Cottage access track.
A right here follows the track (Coal Lane) to its demise at the Keighley/Denholme Gate Road.
After crossing the road a right and then immediate left takes me on a good track towards the Another World Adventure Centre activity field. One field, before arriving at the gate, across this track, I take a left to follow the field side with trees on my left towards the conifer plantation.
A dark conifer tunnel is passed through to exit over a wall stile into a field. I follow the wall to a rickety stile onto back lane bridleway, cross straight over the bridleway and through another flimsy wooden gate to turn diagonally left across rough moorland to a wall corner.
A left here brings me to a high step stile to exit into the Ogden Water Car park.
(I did a circuit of the water at this point).
The promenade is crossed to arrive at the Reservoir House where a left turn behind the house takes me over the moors towards the golf club.
Keeping right at any junctions on this path I arrive at a high wall above the Golf House buildings.
I drop down towards the buildings and after crossing a bridge turn right with the stream keeping to the left of the golfers practice area.
The path arrives at a good track.
A right turn between a house and a maintenance building takes me towards the golf course.
Looking out for a gap stile soon to appear on my right, I turn left at this point to cross some boggy stuff and rise up rough moorland to a step stile on the left.
My path now follows the contours of this field to drop down to a partially walled track. When this track arrives at some large trees I take a 'pallet' stile through a wall on my left.
From here I follow the broken down wall, cross a step stile and go through a gate to arrive at Stod Fold.
Straight ahead here and my path leaves the buildings and crosses a stream to rise up through a lovely section to Lane Head.
The track become a tarmac lane. I ignore the left turn and after 200yds (ish) I take a gap in the wall, opposite the Kennels, to rise steeply up a stone stairway. Crossing a wall the path goes behind buildings to emerge at the Mount Zion Church building.
I take a left turn along the lane (Per Lane) then cross the main road and continue ahead on Cow Hill Gate Lane till I get to Ingham Lane. A right here takes me down to Bradshaw Lane where a left turn take me home.
Bradshaw Lane: Little Owl
Bonnet Fields (nr Raggalds): c30 Fieldfare
Raggalds Flood: Pr. Teal, 2 Pied Wagtail
Perseverance Road: c75 Starlings
Soil Hill: Skylarks, Meadow Pipits
And a nice tick, a Linnet singing.
Not so nice swarms of black flies.
Another World Adventure Centre: Singing Chiffchaff, Great Tit, Wren
Ogden Water: very, very quiet with the water as still as can be.
Canada Geese, Mallards, Curlew calling, singing Chiffchaff.
Golf Course Area: Meadow Pipits, Curlew, 2 Fighting Cock Pheasant, Mistle Thrush, Skylark, Curlew.
Stod Fold: Curlew, Chiffchaff
Brockholes to home: 2 Pied Wagtail.
Little Owl
Pr. Teal
Lower NK Pond
Some pictures of a Pipit in a Tree - too early for Tree Pipit I guess:-
Robin of the day
Another Pipit in a Tree
Opposite the golf course - Ring Ouzel country??
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