The usual outing this afternoon cold with drizzly hail and very, very dull.
Still no Wheatear.
2 Canada Geese, 2 Curlew calling from the moors.
8 Small Gulls (4 Common, 4 Black Headed).
A Green Woodpecker (or more than one) was heard first from the NE end then from the south and again from the SW.
The calls, off and on, lasted 30 minutes or so.
Pr. Goosander, Herring Gull.
A large 'Meadow Pipit' flushed from near the Back Lane fields.
No call as it landed in trees near Ogden Water.
I got the bins on it but could not ID it - probably a Thrush but who knows?
The Plantation:
1 Meadow Pipit, Moorhen, 2 Canada Geese, Loads of Woodpigeon - seems like a good year for Woodpigeon.
Lesser Black-backed Gull over?
Ned Hill Track:
Pr. Grey Partridge flushed.
Soil Hill:
Pheasant, Calling Oystercatcher, Curlew.
The fields from Soil Hill top, along the quarry top and down to the Raggalds are good for Wheatear, but not yet!
Raggalds Area:
Kestrel - sheltering behind a electric pole.
Raggalds Flood:
Herring Gull, Mallard.
Bradshaw Lane:
A Green Woodpecker called and then it flew overhead towards Taylor Lane.
Lesser Black-backed Gull??
Distant Curlew - Soil Hill
Raggalds Flood
Just managed to get the Green Woodpecker!
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