Sunday 5 August 2018

Pugney's Park Wakefield

While the Fly Flats action was taking place....

We took Abigail and her dad to Pugney's Park, Wakefield today.
Another scorcher 27 deg. late afternoon.
Abigail had a bike ride and some fun in the good playground there and I managed a slow 'lap' of the water.


Bright sunlight glare hindered things a bit but there were a few goodies on offer.

A Green Woodpecker called from behind the Bird Hide (not seen).
Pied Wagtail, 2 Reed Buntings flew along the side of the water.
A few Reed Warbler were calling, not singing, with young
In the reeds they were very difficult to photograph.

Bullfinch, Cormorant,  Black Headed Gull.
Very few large Gulls.
Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe.
Tufted Duck, Coot. Moorhen, Heron.
Very, very young Mallards ducklings.
A Duck (or two) that I cannot ID at distance.
And a few other sp.

A Common Tern made a few circuits attempting to dive for fish but aborting the dive every time.

A large Gull sitting on a float, looks extremely like the 2cy American Herring Gull from page 140 of Britain's Birds (Hume, Still, Swash, Harrop & Tipling) but the chances of me being correct are pretty slim!

See what you think!!

This Black Headed Gull looked ill as it stood motionless by the water's edge.

'My' 2cy American Herring Gull

The front bird had a Scaup look about it but it's probably a Tufted.

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