Monday, 3 December 2018

LIFER - Swalesmoor, Howcans Path, Hag Lane Circular

10:50 - 14:30

Another try for Snow Bunt along Ringby Lane.
I went along Ringby Lane then down the Howcans Path before retracing my steps to the Ski Slope.
I then took the Hag Lane track 'till nearly it's demise before turning right along another good track to arrive at the road, where a right took me back to the ski slope.

It was only 5 degrees and very wet on my arrival but pleasantly sunny on my departure.


There were a good selection of small birds at the bottom of Ringby Lane.
A Stock Dove was in the trees here.
A few Meadow Pipit, c6, along the lane itself.
200+ Gulls hereabouts, a lot of them were airborne.
Usual Corvids.

The Hag Lane track was beautiful in the bright sunshine.

Woodpigeons seemed to be everywhere, clattering out of Holly bushes in 20's, feeding in the lower fields and roosting high in trees.

There were Redwing flitting about, as usual they managed to land in trees and nearly disappear, making photos difficult.

Fieldfare were fewer.
Difficult to quantify how many of each sp.
A couple of Bullfinch were seen also.

Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker were heard.
I did not see the Green one and only glimpsed the rear end of the GSW as it left the tree.

Short Eared Owl:

Along the way I was treated to good views of a Short Eared Owl.
I know most local birders have seen this species, but it has been my bogey bird for a long, long time - until today.

A great day out today.

Always behind branches

Looking towards Withens.

Short Eared Owl:

1st Glimpse


  1. Brilliant John - fantastic and there was I thinking you were just a Little Owl birder ! Nice one to get up there.

  2. Cheers Dave.
    It's taken me a good few years to get SEO photo.
    I've probably seen one on Soil Hill, but I was never sure.
    A nice big tick for me today.

  3. A big, big tick well deserved for your hard work. I'd love to see one up there.
    Several other reports came in today from 3 other locations. Maybe the wet spell followed by a dry late morning and afternoon brought them out hungry and/or the opportunity to move locations while it was dry.

  4. I was thinking the same re: the really wet weather.
    Corvids and Gulls were giving it grief.
    It had to climb high to get respite.
    Yet when it landed an inquisitive C. Crow sat peacefully next to it!!
