Friday, 4 January 2019

Coley, Coach Road, Sefton Avenue and back

9:40 - 14:00

Another calm, dry, dull day.
Zero degrees at Coley this morning rising to 2 degrees.

The usual longish stroll down Coley bridleway, through Priestley Green, down Coach Road bridleway and left to Sefton Ave (and back).

It always seemed as if something was going to happen today - but it never did - until I was driving away!

The birds seemed subdued unsure perhaps if it was day or night, given the dull conditions.


Not a bad outing really, given the time of year - very little airborne.

3 Wren seen and another 3 heard.
39 Common Gull feeding in the fields by the Church.
8 Collard Dove here and there, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Green Woodpecker called from the far side of the golf course - not seen.
3 Nuthatch, Rook, Coal Tit.

c30 very mobile and flighty Brambling were seen near the Golf clubhouse near the bottom of Coach Road.

Long Tailed Tit, 13 Black Headed Gull.
Jay, Song Thrush.
Many Blackbirds but only 3 Redwing seen.
And a few others.

No Raptors seen at all,  until I was in the car having left Coley Church, then a Kestrel sized Raptor flew into a tree in front of me.
I anchored on, got out of the car and manged a couple of photos before the bird left the tree, flew low to a hedge,and out of sight.
I think the bird just might be a Merlin.
I was happy that I manged a few photos but again the poor light has made identification of the bird difficult.
The bird looked too small for a Peregrine and it seems to have mottled plumage on it's back. 
If it is a Merlin it is a cracking start to the new year for me!!
(Then again it might just be a Sparrowhawk).

Spot the Great Spotted Woopecker

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